What I want to get out of this class is to get a better understanding of the idea of technology and how it is used in our lives. We don't even blink at the thought of how all of this technology came about, just accepted the fact that we are advancing technologically and went about our business. No one would know what to do if ISP's (Internet Service Providers) just took away the service. People would lose their minds if that happened. We invest so much time into the internet, all in different ways, through different devices, constantly. This new age of technology feels as if we never take our eyes off the screen. Taking Information Technology at Highline Community College, I knew prior to coming here that the internet is such a powerful tool, whether those who use it to spread positivity or spread negativity. It is such a free space to be anonymous but at the same time be so publicly known. It is scary to think about, how could you not? Thinking that you are an anonymous person online, someone could easily track your IP and find out where you live, who lives there, how old you are, everything. When I took the ethical hacking class, I was shocked at first to see how a couple of commands and GUI's (Guided User Interface) can help you to find out someone's location. I thought to myself that anyone could pick this up and do what I did as easily as I did.
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