startup documentary

I found it interesting the fact that they started a company up with like 16 employees at the beginning, and at its peak with 223 employees over the course of a year and a half. Having your company become so nationally known, all of these deals and publicity, with your company going onto the public market is worth 50 million or so, is insane. I always thought that when you start a company, it is slow for a while then it picks up. But, I do understand that at the time this was an explosion. Everyone wanted to get in on it because of how global you could be with the internet. I personally did not like Khalil in the story at all, he kind of felt like a jerk the entire time. Not a very likable character. Meanwhile his partner Tom kind of treated the business as whatever, like if it fails it fails. Good mentality if it is just a couple of friends and your only income isn't from this business, but there are 223 employees making a living off the company. You see, as one of the founders that this is not just about you and your best friend. It is about these people you have employed. It was always "I", never "we". Tom was okay, but I didn't enjoy the fact that he never thought about those 223 employees. This movie really shows the beginnings of startups, from the beginning of it to the end. They really recorded everything that these two did, at all times during the startup.
