experience with creating a simple web page

So basically, the take-home assignment was to create a simple web page in notepad. pretty straightforward, as I have created a simple webpage before back in high school. I read over the packet, giving some steps on how to begin. Okay, got it. Started working through it, and created the webpage. Not a big problem, and if there was it was most likely a syntax error in how I forgot to close off the statement with a </___>. Small errors that can be easily fixed. There were some other things I could have done to it, (Wow, marquee text!) but I decided to just follow the minimum steps just so I could refresh my memory on HTML. Everything we see on websites was most likely created using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and not a lot of people think too much of it. Creating a basic webpage and looking at it compared to, say, bleacher report. Having that basic understanding into what goes into an HTML page helps you to better understand web pages as a whole. If you right-clicked the webpage and inspected it or viewed the source, you would see that there is so much that goes into the webpage. At max, you might have 15 lines of code in your web page, when HTML pages like this can go on 1000's of lines. I know that the lines should not dictate how much they put into it, as you can space and things like that. But, there is a lot that goes into these websites.
